How Long Do Stone Worktops Last? (Infographic)

How Long Do Stone Worktops Last? (Infographic)

an drawing of a person wondering about the longevity of stone worktops in a black background
By: Alan Jul 27, 2022 0 Comments

How long do stone worktops last? -The answer changes depending on the surface material.

Suppose you are considering purchasing worktops for your kitchen or bathroom. In that case, you may want to know how long countertops last across the different materials in the marketplace.

And because certain materials are more durable than others, selecting a suitable worktop material is essential when considering your budget, style and the daily activities in your home.

The infographic below shows you how long a worktop lasts and highlights the different worktop material options. In addition, it answers some of the questions you may be asking yourself, such as ‘how long do quartz worktops last?’ or ‘how long do granite worktops last?’.


Natural marble and quartzite are becoming more fashionable across homes in the South of England. In addition, they are less expensive than they were only a few years ago and can last a lifetime.

On the other hand, sintered stones such as quartz worktops and porcelain countertops have a shorter lifespan. But when you purchase worktops made from manufactured products, manufacturers offer warranties covering the product’s lifespan, which averages thirty years.

Longevity of stone worktop materials 

Here is a list containing the longevity of the different types of stone countertops (from longest to shortest) on average:

  1. Natural stone (granite, marble, quartzite, granite, slate, limestone, etc.): 100 + years
  2. Concrete, Terrazzo and Hardwood: 50 Years
  3. Porcelain and quartz: 30 years

How long do stone worktops last when you install them outdoors?

Outdoor worktops endure many variables from the weather, ranging from rain and snow in some UK locations to generally steady, mild weather in others. The atmospheric conditions can affect the worktop’s life cycle. As a result, we recommend installing a suitable material for an outdoor kitchen and barbecue worktop.

If you still don’t know which worktop material may suit your taste, lifestyle or budget, get in touch with us. Our professional worktop designers will provide the details you require to make the right choice.

Quartz and porcelain worktops offer the look of marble, limestone quartzite, concrete, and other decoration materials. According to the different brands, porcelain and quartz worktops warranties range between 2-30 years.


Alan Nussbaum

Meet Alan Nussbaum, our Sales and Marketing Manager, whose expertise in stone worktops is second to none. With almost two decades of experience, Alan’s impressive track record includes creating one of the first online stone companies in 2012 and pioneering the acceptance of cryptocurrencies in construction in 2018 before co-founding The Worktop Library with Maria.
Alan’s outstanding work is featured in numerous Stone and Home Decor magazines. In addition, he collaborates with the industry’s leading stone brands, cementing his reputation as a true innovator.
Before starting a thriving career in the stone industry, Alan honed his skills by overseeing luxury fashion brands such as Burberry, Matches Fashion, and Patrick Cox. With his unique blend of experience and expertise, Alan is a true trailblazer in the stone worktop industry. His passion for delivering exceptional service is evident in every aspect of his work.

Alan Nussbaum

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